Tips for using wiki links

WikiThe aim of this article is NOT to spam wiki, however, looking for legitimate scope of using wiki for better brand visibility and promotion.

Using wiki links is not an easy task because people are not familiar with the format of the wiki links and they do not know how they can create the links while submitting the articles on the wiki websites. However, through this article you will become able to know, how you can utilize the wiki links and what the correct usage of the wiki links is.

wiki linksBelow are the some tips that will let you know how to utilize the wiki links and how you can create internal or external links while submitting articles.
1.While submitting the article, if you want to make the internal link of the pages on the wiki website, then put the [[ ]] and write the word on which you want to make the link like this [[help]]. When you will submit the article that word would link to the internal pages.

2.You can also edit the link if you want to change the word or change the link.

3.If you want to make the external while submitting the article, then write the word and select the option of the hyperlink and put the URL of the website, which link you want to put. Paste the link and save it.

4.If you will use the different links while submitting the article on the wiki, the search engine will give the importance to those pages as well, who have been linked with wiki. The wiki is very famous and one of the number one website.

5.It is very essential or fruit full that you use the different pages to link while submitting the article on wiki because the search engine utilize the content of the wiki and shows on the top rank. Therefore, if you will link your article with the maximum pages, then your pages will also get ranked due to the wiki article. That is the reason why, every SEO manger suggests their team to do the Wiki article submission.

6.Before submitting the article, you have to read the linking concept of the wiki because they have given their help chart through which you can make the different links while submitting the articles.

7.Due to the correct linking on the right keyword, the official or informative website gets ranked on the search engine, therefore, the professional and expert suggest to learn the process to do the submission of the wiki websites.

8.Search engine read the wiki links daily and if your website links are attached to the article on the wiki then your website will get ranked. That is the reason why, wiki submission has become the SEO part and every expert SEO suggest to do the wiki linking.

9.Before submitting, the article review that article and remove all the mistakes because if your article will not meet with the quality requirement of the Wiki then they will reject the article and you will not become able to submit and all your efforts become useless.