Get Exponential Promotion with YouTube for Free!

Youtube from Google is the next hot Viral Marketing funda. Many future thinking SEO’s have already capitalized/accepted on the enormous power of advertising & promotion on the net and what better than YouTube. There is a saying ‘A picture speaks a thousand words’. If that is taken true, what will you say about a video ?

Believe me, if you want to get noticed easily with enormous visitors and quaility referals, the next Mantra of online adversiting is Video at Youtube.

Videos I like for the Killer ideas and innovative concepts :

Here are the list of videos that I recently found interesting.
Mostly are the ads with innovative ideas on youtube.

Nissan 4×4 Naturally Capable: Animation at the best

US WeightLifting TV Commercial: Women on Top

Sinking !!! Language difference

Trust your wife : A social Message