How to Make Money From a Website ?

A .com stands for commerce in practical sense.
It means if you have a website , more probably you want to earn, in general essence of business.

Million dollar Question is , How to achieve that?

Two options for you :
1. Using Affiliate Programs:

Affiliate marketing is a method of promoting web businesses (merchants/advertisers) in which an affiliate (publisher) is rewarded for every visitor, subscriber, customer, and/or sale provided through his/her efforts.

Affiliate marketing is also the name of the industry where a number of different types of companies and individuals are performing this form of internet marketing, including affiliate networks, affiliate management companies and in-house affiliate managers, specialized 3rd party vendors and various types of affiliates/publishers who utilize a number of different methods to advertise the products and services of their merchant/advertiser partners.

Affiliate marketing overlaps with other internet marketing methods to some degree, because affiliates are using the same methods as most of the merchants themselves do. Those methods include organic search engine optimization, paid search engine marketing, email marketing and to some degree display advertising. More on Wikipedia

2. Showing Ads : Using Third Party Banner Ads

How to Earn money via web advertising
Pay-Per-Impressions (PPI)
Here in PPI, you get paid on the basis of number of impressions (pageviews) of the specified ad/banner – the advertisement – on your web page. More the impressions more you get.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)
Here in PPc, you get paid only for the clicks made on the advertisement shown on your web page. More the clicks more you get. Now a days intelligent online advertising shows relevant ads as per your page content, atlease Google Adsense does so for web publishers.

Pay-Per-Lead (PPL)
A practical approach to Return On Investment ( ROI) where you get paid once the lead is generated, say by filling up a form or filling up a survey for the advertiser. Costs higher than PPI and PPC models but more success oriented.

Pay-Per-Call (PPCall)
Similar to PPL, here in Pay-Per-Call approach is to get the Return On Investment ( ROI) when the advertiser gets a call from the visitor or who-ever is interested. Costs higher than all of the above models but more success oriented and if you are into a business of precious things and want to have a record of the phone number, this is the most suitable way.More the calls more you get. But tracking is little bit hard here as phones may directly go the advertiser.

Choose the best option that suits you, do let me know your experiences , all the best !!