Learn SEO for Free : Domain Names and SEO

Today we will discuss about important criteria for “Business” branding and a “lesser” important metrix for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
This is one of the most arguable topic among worlds top search optimizers and marketers, as domain do hold some important message in terms of easy to remember, business theme, brand and so on..

Now the question is why Domain name is important?
Mostly there are three major concerns
1. Reflects the overall business theme.
2. Creates and manages a Brand
3. Gives an indentity to the business
4. Keywords included in domain name (URL) are generally good for natural search SEO

How to choose a domain name ( Tips)
1. It should be as per your business need
2. A smaller domain name is easy to remember
3. Domain without one or more dashes need to be avoided ( traffic may be lost to others)
4. A .com is preferred for a commercial activity, while .org is for organizations and .edu for eductional sites.
5. Multiple domain names ( with all the extensions possible will help to redirect visitors to the main domain)

To find a useful domain :
As domain booking is a first-come-first-serve process, you need to check Domain Name Availability first.
The available domain then has to be coupled with Website Hosting Space.

SEO Tip for Better Ranking:
Everytime you are creating a URL ( page name / file name) dont use ? or avoid passing variables with = signs, rather use a tangible name to the page.

Here are a video which will help you in selecting a domain name: