MySpace and US Election Campaign launched a presidential campaign 2008 targetting online users. Basic aim seems to educate people. This is a new concept and an example of using social media to learn the trends, interest and in some what sense promote the social cause. This mega event has seen some unique was to present each side and to give justification on a platform whom everybody can access.

This MySpace tool with a unique stand is creating a buzz not only for the candidates but also for the site and the social marketing concepts.

Such an organized effort to secure nomination and election of candidates for forthcoming US elections, everyone is trying everything they can. For each of the following candidate, you can see the profile, related information and show your support too.

Rudy Giuliani

Hillary Clinton

Joe Biden

John Edwards

John McCain

Dennis Kucinich

Ron Paul

Mitt Romney

Barack Obama

Duncan Hunter

Chris Dodd

Bill Richardson

Tommy Thompson