Vlog : Video Blogging : Promotions and SEO

Have videos or not, but you can start your own video blog or vblog just in minutes.
Its basically a blog with videos and little or no text at all. Vlogs , the latest hit in online promotion arena, are blogs that mostly feature video shorts and not the text as compared with other blogs.
In short we can say Vlog = Video + Blog

According to mefeedia.com (a major online vlog aggregator) 2,580 vloggers who have created over 100,000 videos since last year.

Why Vlog (or Videoblog)?

Its a great opportunity to show/share some videos for special occasions.
– For Team Events
– Parties / Personal events
– Social Events and social media marketing
– Brand building by sharing and distribution
– Politics and Campaigns
– Advertisements and viral marketing
– Product Promotions

How to start a Video Blog >>
All you have to do is:
– Create a blog
– Upload you video(s)if you have or share using Google video or you tube
– Provide title/descriptions

Vlogs extend the reach of traditional blogs making it more on the interactive audio-visual level of promotion. Although videos cannot be search anyhow for content inside, Social media Marketing and referrals can make it a huge success. This is one form of Indirect Search Engine Optimization with great success ratio!!